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Base Four | Joseph Akinnawonu

Base Four | Joseph Akinnawonu

Base four Joseph Akinnawonu Agbowo Art African Literary Art


at base four,

the sounds of waist beads are heightened

by Fela’s Afro-beat

a disco light calls you out from the dark

like the night calls for the moon


your client is a black-knuckled teen

impoverished by mosquito

by malaria

impoverished by Lady-White skin care

her kwashiorkored stomach

is nothing different


she lies unfazed with contempt

overwhelmed by the weight of your masculinity

overwhelmed as you pour more masculinity into her

she bargains for a life line:

two rounds and half a fraction of it


at base four,

sex is a lifeline

an antidote for many deaths. 


Joseph Akinnawonu is a young wannabe writer, who lives in Lagos, Nigeria. He is currently working on his chapbook.

Twitter: Majorakins
IG: mayoakins







Cover Photo by Martin Lopez from Pexels
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