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Who Needs Colours? | Lade Falobi

Who Needs Colours? | Lade Falobi

Who Needs Colours Lade Falobi Agbowo Art African Literary Art

I once dreamed a unicorn in a field
he be white, his horn be many colours
colours stand out in black and white
but black and white be colours too

My unicorn cannot find his horn anymore
Joseph be a white horse now
but white be a colour
so my unicorn has colour

It rained yesterday
black waters fell
my unicorn be black now
but black be a colour

I dreamed my unicorn today
he be red
black and white don’t want him
so now, he be red

My unicorn be dead
the red killed him
dead unicorns have no dreams,
no colours
they be dead

I dream the field now
There be no colours
it be space,
just space.

Lade Falobi Agbowo Art African Literary ArtLade Falobi is a Nigerian poet and conceptual photographer. She views her creative works as expressions of herself. She enjoys long aimless walks and staring at the sky, and is a student at the University of Ibadan

Twitter: @ladefalobi (

Instagram: @ladefalobi (


Photo by from Pexels


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