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It Is Suicidal To Give Your Life To A Drunkard | E. B. Adaramodu

It Is Suicidal To Give Your Life To A Drunkard | E. B. Adaramodu

say, your saviour is a man
capable of quenching

your thirst with wine in
a gathering of fools.

as if this task isn’t full,
you want him to carry

your thirst & gulp
brewed water.

the weight of your thirst rocks
him like disco, he staggers

yet, you are not fulfilled,
he says, it is finished.

you think of your thirst and life,
you want to wed both

then you realize that there isn’t
ample time to save your life

with just a drink
in Cana.


B Adaramodu Agbowo Art African Literary ArtE. B. Adaramodu is a writer of songs, collector of crotchets and painter of words. He seldom punches the earth for a plate of pounded yam and a bowl of isapa. Amongst other nouns, he is a Tiger. His works have appeared on Kalahari Review, PIN Quarterly Journal 7 & 8, Praxis Magazine, African Writer, Dwartsonline and elsewhere.

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