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Rebirth | Olamilekan Daniel Kehinde

Rebirth | Olamilekan Daniel Kehinde

Rebirth | Olamilekan Daniel Kehinde | Agbowo | Reincarnation Issue 2022


There is yet no death for a soul buried 

in the cry of a newborn; the seventh day 

is not the day of rest for an ancestor. 

The earth ingresses whatever won’t die,

vomits it from fleshy dust and christens it 

Babatunde—the father returns from bones

to life. Death, where is your sting? Grave,

where is your victory? The son says in his 

cry, My father and I are one, he works in 

me. Babatunde—the child is the father of 

the man. Don’t you know whoever will

not die will wear the name and the body

of the living, after he has forsaken his old

skin like a serpent? The child’s eyes have

seen from afar—on seat, the tallest palm-

tree which the father cannot see even from

the top of a roof. An ancestor shawls him-

self with the tenderness of a newborn and

dances to the whims of Olodumare when

He pleases to wrap His glory in mystery.

Olalekan Daniel Kehinde

Olalekan Daniel Kehinde is a writer and an undergraduate in the University of Benin where he studies English and Literature Education. He has been longlisted in NSPP 2020, shortlisted in FPC, PIN 2020, 2nd Runner-up PIN 10-Day Challenge March 2022, and a finalist in NNDP 2020. His poems have appeared (or forthcoming) in PIN Anthologies, Peace Exhibits Journal, African Writers Magazine, Inkspired, Woven Poetry, The Shallow Tales Review, Upwrite Magazine, BPPC Feb-March anthology and lots more. He is on Instagram and Twitter as @dapenmustgrow

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

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