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evolution | Oluwatobi Poroye

evolution | Oluwatobi Poroye

dusk drowns me in

a sinkhole of lamentations.

although, the earth fountains,

it thirsts for soluble bodies.

in Benue, psychos make love,

unconsented, on farmlands— 

fingerjob triggers till

villages squirt requiems.

may the blasted head 

composting the soil in

my nightmare last night 

not be my beloved’s but

of my allegiance to this land

—dust bowl of broken bones.

nights of which transition

from breathing skies to

a rush of stars

choked coffins.

Katsina jagged ghosts 

bleed still. wonder why

the sea tastes saline?

when grief slays the earth

sores turn dust 

                 ashes urn

                         salt waters.

Oluwatobi Poroye

Oluwatobi Poroye is a Nigerian poet and educator. He writes about loss, silence, grief and migration. His works have been published in Perhappened Mag, LibrettoNg, Burning House Press, Jalada Africa and elsewhere. He is a Best of the Net nominee. He writes from Ogun, Nigeria. Say hi @yungprinzet on Twitter.

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

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