It never leaped
in your mind that
earth will devour
your husband
two days after
your wedding night.
Claimed by his car
on his way to work,
he left you
with a daughter.
You do not know how
to cope with this new incense
of loneliness—
the kind that robes your joints.
You tattoo
a sprouting flower
on your arm:
it helps shoo off
thoughts of your neck
dangling down a rope.
You feel his
presence for a second,
and you wish the
phantom feeling could
have stayed
a little longer.
You hold your daughter
a moment that teaches you how
to tear grief
into tiny shreds.
Choolwe Lubaya
Choolwe Lubaya is a poet from Zambia. He writes and reads when not held up by life’s demands.
Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash